Thursday 28 July 2011

Domestic Goddesses and Super Mums Don't Exist

Since I started blogging again, I've started collecting other blogs that I like to read. Some are so-called "mummy blogs" written by other mums about their efforts in cooking, gardening or crafts. Some are by chefs, and some are just for fun. Blogging really is just a way of sharing a bit of your day with your friends or family, even if it's something boring like what you made for dinner - your boring Tuesday night dinner can be someone else's inspiration!

It's easy to get the impression from a blog that every creation always turns out perfectly, every project works, every experiment is a success. After all, we only take photos of the food that looks nice, and ignore the meals that were less than interesting. No one wants to admit to kitchen disasters (but we love watching them happen on Masterchef).

In the interests of honesty and to dispel any misguided ideas that I'm some sort of "super mum", I present to you today's disaster. It started out as off-cut beef ribs that I found super cheap, roasted up with soy and five spice. Then they went back into the oven for a reheat and to make them stickier. 

Fate had other ideas. The baby rolled onto his tummy tonight - a milestone he's been working on for a couple of weeks. Walking into the room and seeing him lying on the floor, propped up on his little arms with a big grin on his face banished all thoughts of the beef ribs from my mind....until I started to smell the smoke!
Sometimes toast is all you have for dinner. 

PS - if this happens, the best thing to do is pour over some boiling water while the dish is still hot - all that burnt stuff will dissolve off the bottom and it'll be much easier to clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Oh well - we had sandwiches for dinner and I didn't even have any other grand plans :) At least you tried! Congratulations on the milestone.