Friday 25 May 2012

Toast for Dinner


It's been a little while since the last post for a couple of reasons. The first is a household full of germs as we head into winter. The second is that I was contemplating moving the blog from blogger to The wordpress app for android is much better than the blogger one, but wordpress is very limited in customisation options (I'd have to pay to use my own domain name and the free templates are very boring).

So here we are, still on blogger and ready for some new posts.

I wanted to share a lovely little dinner that I cooked for my baby boy last night. He seems to have a perpetual runny nose at the moment, and is fussier than usual at meal times. So after having an epic failure at lunchtime where he refused to eat ANY of his lovely spaghetti, I thought I'd keep it simple and make him some french toast for dinner. With the egg soaked through the bread, it's more nourishing than plain toast and spread. Keep it healthy by making it with milk instead of cream, minimising the added sugar, and cooking with only a very small amount of fat in the frying pan.

Sandwiches cutters are great for making food look fun.
French Toast (makes 2 slices)

2 slices of thick cut bread
2 eggs
½ cup milk
½ tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp butter or margarine
maple syrup and banana to serve

Beat the eggs and mix with milk and vanilla. Soak the bread in the egg mixture until soft. Gently fry the slices over a medium heat with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with some cinnamon and serve drizzled with a little maple syrup (or honey) and some sliced fresh banana (or other favourite fruit).

Tasty toasty hearts!


Anonymous said...

The big question is: did he eat the toast?
H and I discovered the best adult French toast comes from 16th century artisan fruit loaf, a really dense sourdough. Yummo!

Sarah said...

Yes, he gobbled it up!