Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Neglected Vegie Patch and a Monday Harvest!

This winter has been one of the worst for coughs and sniffles in our house. At the moment all three of us are having coughing fits that keep us up at night and make us cranky during the day. Thankfully the weather is getting warmer and we'll be able to get outdoors more often and get rid of the germs.

It means that I haven't been to get over to the shared vegetable patch for some time, so it's been left to its own devices for several weeks. It's been very interesting to see how everything has coped.

It's Alive!
As you can see, everything is alive and doing quite well.The root vegetables and the green leafy things have done the best. The onions are ticking over nicely, and the snow peas have started to crop.

12 leaves of Tuscan Kale

The kale is impressive! I took 12 leaves off it and barely made a dent. I'll be putting them into a bean soup.

8 leaves of Rainbow Silverbeet

I'll be putting these into the freezer for later.

1.172kg of Turnips

These are varying in size from golf ball to one that is about 400g on its own. There is still about half a dozen small ones in the ground, but I wanted to get most of them out so the beetroot has a chance to mature.

180g of green beans

The beans haven't grown too well over winter, so I might need to pull them out and start over with some fresh seeds. These ones I've picked are mostly pod and no seed, so I'm hoping that picking them will stimulate the plants into another round of production. I think this batch will be donated as chicken food.

 The snow peas are covered in flowers and there are two little pods already so I'm looking forward to fresh snow peas soon!

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